Directions for connecting District issued iPads and Chromebooks to a US Cellular MiFi hotspot
Connect your MiFi to a power source using the charging cord and cube in the box.
a. The MiFi will likely need to charge before use
Power on the MiFi
a. Power button is located on the top right corner.
b. Hold the button down until MiFi appears on the screen
c. The power button will also bring the screen back if
it goes dark
Touch Wi-Fi Name/Password on screen
a. Wi-Fi Name - WSD_Student
b. Wi-Fi Password: Learning1
Power on your iPad or Chromebook
a. iPad Directions
Power on iPad
Touch Settings icon
Select Wi-Fi from the right hand side of the screen
Select WSD_Student
Enter Password - Learning1
b. Chromebook Directions
Log into Chromebook
Click the Wi-Fi cone icon in the bottom right corner (left of the battery Symbol)
Click on the Wi-Fi cone icon on the left side of the newly opened window.
Click WSD_Student
Enter Password Learning1
Important Points
There is a full set of connection instructions in the box with the MiFi.
Only District devices will be able to access the internet when connected to the MiFi.
District Technology Helpline is 715-261-0833 if you experience difficulty connecting a District issued Chromebook or iPad to the MiFi.