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Elizabeth Channel
Gifted and Talented Coordinator

Kris Peterson
Gifted and Talented Secretary

Cathy Ehlert
Gifted and Talented
Resource Counselor

Heidi Hahner
John Marshall, Rib Mountain, and South Mountain

Matt Adams
Franklin, G. D. Jones,
Hawthorn Hills, and Riverview

Cheryl Borta
Maine, Thomas Jefferson, Stettin, and Grant

Jim Bauman
Hewitt-Texas and Lincoln

Aaron Boller
John Muir and Horace Mann

Gifted Definition
In the state of Wisconsin, “'Gifted and talented pupils' means pupils enrolled in public schools who give evidence of high performance capability in intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or specific academic areas and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided in a regular school program in order to fully develop such capabilities.” (Wisconsin Statutes § 118.35)

The Wausau School District is committed to providing systematic & continuous
K-12 services & programs for gifted & talented students to challenge & support them academically, socially, & emotionally to reach their full potential.

Our vision is to create an exemplary gifted & talented program that nurtures & challenges children in the identified area(s) of giftedness.  We envision a program which includes the following components:

  • The K-12 regular education program is exemplary.
  • All participants are supportive.
  • All program functions are in place & supportive.
  • Programming options are systematic & continuous.
  • Student outcomes are used to evaluate program effectiveness & to promote program accountability.