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Summer Learning runs
June 10 - July 18th
7:45 am - 12:00 Noon
Drop off at 7:30 am

If your student is going to be absent, please contact your summer learning site staff

This brochure is for information only. The registration links have now closed. 

Updated 5-2-2024

The Summer Learning
Bus Schedules above were updated on 6-18-2024 

Welcome to Wausau School District 2024 Summer Learning!

The HMONG ENRICHMENT class registration is open until May 30, 2024. See details below.
The completed forms can be emailed to:


MIDDLE SCHOOL and HIGH SCHOOL families need to contact their school counselor to sign up for Summer Learning.


Summer Learning Coordinator:
Dr. Rob Phelps

Summer Learning Coordinator:
Tami Cummings

Administrative Assistant:
Mary Metzinger

June 10, 2024 - July 18, 2024 (No School July 4)
Week 7: July 22, 2024 - July 26, 2024

No School on Fridays

Morning classes run  7:45am -12:30pm (Drop off 7:30)
Afternoon classes run 12:30-3:30pm

Lunch is provided at no cost

John Muir Middle School will be closed for construction


4K - Grade 4 Morning Program

For students currently in Grades 4K-4

“Moving Into Programs” are designed for students currently in 4K - 4th Grade. They will explore reading, writing, and math concepts to help prepare them to move to the next grade. Students will have the opportunity to participate in art, games, physical education, and science activities while enjoying many opportunities to be active and outdoors.

Week 7 Summer Learning

For students currently in Grades 1-5
July 22 - July 26

Summer Stretchers (currently in grades 1 & 2)
This program offers a unique experience, challenges, games, and adventures. The afternoon activities include arts and crafts, playground fun and games and trips to local pools and parks.

Summer Saunters Ice Age Trail
(currently in grades 3-5)

Students will learn about Wisconsin’s great outdoors and history while using mathematics, social science, literacy and outdoor skills in real-life situations. Students are provided resources to locate and experience opportunities such as walking and hiking, while learning cultural, environmental and geographical qualities of Wisconsin. Students will hike different segments of the Ice Age Trail. Students must have positive attitudes and be willing to hike in various conditions including heat, insects and light rain.

World Cultures (currently in grades 2-4)
Students learn about cultures from around the world. They will explore the region and study their culture. Students will make and sample food, student languages and experience what life is in that part of the world.

Middle School Summer Learning

For students currently in Grades 6-8

Two Sessions are available:
Monday, June 10 – Thursday, June 27, 2024 Monday, July 1 – Thursday, July 18, 2024
No class on July 4th

Class Time: 7:35 AM – 12:30 PM
Breakfast and Lunch Provided

All middle school students will attend
Horace Mann due to construction at John Muir

We are very excited to offer a wide variety of choices for students currently in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Students/Parents will register for Summer Learning online in Infinite Campus. Students will sign up for specific classes at a later date through Infinite Campus or their School Counselor.

Afternoon Academies

For students currently in Grades 1-4

UPDATE: All Afternoon Academies will now be held at G. D. Jones Elementary. Bus schedules will be updated accordingly.
This is an opportunity for students currently in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th, to get involved in a highly engaging afternoon program that focuses on a rotation of Foreign Language, Art and STEM. 

Get Active Sports Academy

For students currently in Grades 3-6
June 10-July 18

Join your high school Athletic Trainers from Bone & Joint to learn how to live an active lifestyle. You will learn sports skills, meet high school coaches and athletes, and learn activities you can do now and throughout your lifetime. This class will be broken into two 3 week sessions. You can sign up for one or both sessions to learn different skills during each session. Classes will run from 12:30pm-3:30pm and include games, skills, and the opportunity to meet coaches and athletes from both Wausau West and East! Come join us for some fun activities to get you moving!

Hmong Enrichment

For students currently in Grades K-12
July 22-August 2 -  All day 8:30 - 2:30

Registration is open until May 30, 2024.

Location: Weston Elementary School
5200 Camp Phillips Rd, Weston

Breakfast and Lunch Included

Contact: Chineng Vang

An engaging and interactive Summer Learning collaboration between both the Wausau and the D.C. Everest School District. Students will be taught the Hmong culture, history, language, arts, foods, etc. Students will be at Weston Elementary School for the entire 2 weeks.
This program is designed for students of all backgrounds currently in kindergarten through high school. Busing is available for WSD students from Thomas Jefferson to Weston Elementary daily.

Parent Letter

Learn More

East High Lumberjack Power

Sign up HERE

Course #: 421991 (Session 1)
Monday June 10 through Thursday, June 27

Course #: 421992 (Session 2)
Monday, July 1st through Thursday, July 18

No classes July 4th
Location: Wausau East High School
Fee: None
Credit: None

Lumberjack Power is for student athletes of all grade levels and capabilities. These athletes will improve their strength, explosiveness, coordination, balance, and flexibility. We will be working indoor and outdoor at Wausau East, and athletes will need to be prepared for all weather conditions, as well as working in the sand area with and without their shoes on.

Camp School Forest &
Transition to Middle School

For students currently in 5th Grade

Does your 5th grader like to have fun in the great outdoors? Would you like your child to get to know their middle school? Could your child benefit from extra instruction in reading and math? Does your child enjoy projects and thematic units, instead of traditional classroom instruction? While at the School Forest, students participate in many fun outdoor activities, which provide experiences to write, read about, and improve math skills. Examples include fishing, kayaking, and science in nature. Students will spend time at the middle school they will attend in fall. They will tour their school, learn to use their locker, find their classrooms for the upcoming year, and participate in team building activities.

G2M (Growing Great Minds)
Summer Learning

For students currently K-4
AND Grades 5-6

Time is from 12:30 - 3:30 

Payment is required at registration/enrollment

Students MUST be enrolled in the Morning Summer Learning Program

G2M Community Connections provides the extension to the Summer Learning morning program. It completes the full day of learning opportunities for our students at the elementary summer learning sites. These programs are offered in partnership with our “Community Partners” such as 4-H, Boys and Girls Club, Marathon County Parks and Recreation Department, Monk Botanical Gardens and many more! Community Partners rotate throughout the sites. The programs begin at 12:30pm after students have a FREE lunch, with the program concluding at 3:30pm. In order to participate, students must enroll in the daytime Summer Learning Program.

$50 per student OR
$125 Family Cap (3 or more students) OR
$25 Economically Disadvantaged

West High Warrior Power

Sign up HERE

Course #: 421979 (Session 1)
Monday June 10 through Thursday, June 27

Course #: 421980 (Session 2)
Monday, July 1st through Thursday, July 18

No classes July 4th
Location: Wausau West High School
Fee: None
Credit: None

Warrior Power is an enrichment class for the enhancement of physical abilities in sports. This class is designed to develop strength, power, agility and speed for participation in athletics. The Warrior Power program is designed to challenge the individual and improve their abilities. Individuals who participate in training sessions will be grouped based upon a variety of indicators, such as experience level, physical skill, specific sport, as well as their ability to perform basic movements. The philosophy of the program is to challenge the current ability levels of the individual as well as enhance the abilities of all individuals who sign up. In addition to developing the skills of the individual, the secondary objective is to enhance the problem-solving and team working ability of the individuals who participate in team challenges.